Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Job, New Adventure!

I got the job!! 

Can I just tell you how excited I am?  I have been having a lot of conflicting emotions.  I LOVE the job I'm at and leaving makes me a little teary.  But ever since I found out that I'm actually going, I've been just excited and much less teary.

I am going to stay at my current job until they hire a replacement for me.  That should be two weeks or so.  So, I have some time to finish things up and say good bye.  I will be able to do my book clubs without making the kids read ridiculously fast.  I will be able to leave some really good instructions for my replacement.  I asked if I would be able to help train the new person and my new boss said we could work that out.

Last night my current boss sent an email to all the staff at my current school, telling them that I had accepted the other position.  But she sent it at 6:30 on a Friday evening so most people didn't see it.  Tonight I posted on Facebook that I was changing jobs and, wow! did I ever get some responses.  Most people are glad for me but sad to see me leave.  Some are just sad to see me go.  I'm not friends with everyone at school on Facebook so I'm sure I will have people finding out on Monday.  Could be interesting.

This week, I get to tell all my kids that I'm leaving.  I have 8 classes on Monday and 9 classes on Tuesday so I will tell all the kids in the school in two days.  I will need to work on some "verbiage" to use so that they know I'm not leaving because of them and how much I love and appreciate them. 

It is going to be a very emotional week.

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